At some time, you will want to start dating again. This is normal, but of course if you were never married or you are divorced you may be a shy or leery of the whole dating scene, not to mention your worries about the effect dating will have on your child or children.
No matter what may be holding you back from dating again, if you are sitting home alone wallowing in self pity and seeing no light at the end of the tunnel, it may be time to considering dating. Of course, you also do not want to date for the wrong reasons. No person can make you whole – happiness comes from within. If you notice that when you talk to adults in a family gathering or even at work you begin to talk down to them or catch yourself picking up after everyone it is certainly time for some more adult interaction.
Before you head out to the corner bar, you need to be ready and even accept that rejection is part of the territory. Not only that, but you also want to leave behind the emotional mess you have been since you were with your ex, whether spouse or not. Even when you are out with friends they will only want to listen to your “poor me” life so long before they will “have other plans” when you call. If you need counseling, seek counseling before making the decision to start dating again.
Once you are ready to start dating, a great safe way to begin is by finding single dating websites online. With this type of website, you can meet others through the website that have similar interest and begin to enjoy talking with and meeting adults before actually meeting them in person. This can actually be a great transitional period for you to begin as well as help you build up your confidence and meet others that are going through the same transition.
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